Helping employees maximize their potential


Enclosed are the revised Systemwide Human Resources (SHR) and Financial Accounting Policies for your records and information. These Presidential Policies went through technical reviews and the revisions are listed below.

1. Revised Systemwide HR Policies

  • a. PPSM-2.210 Absence from Work is updated to increase the pay calculation for Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) from 70 percent to 100 percent of an employee’s eligible earnings. This increase is effective January 1, 2023.
  • b. PPSM-20 Recruitment and Promotion has undergone a “required by law” review to further support the University’s commitment to pay equity and to align with California Senate Bill 1162 (SB-1162). Technical edits also include adding subsections to Section III.A and editing the use of the terms “applicant” and “candidate” for increased clarity.
  • c. PPSM-30 Compensation has undergone a “required by law” review to further support the University’s commitment to pay equity and to align with California Senate Bill 1162 (SB-1162) and added new Section III.B.1.d (Access to Salary Range Information).

2. Revised Financial Accounting Policies

  • G-28 Travel Regulations is updated to increase the maximum M&IE rate to $79 per day for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 based on the information published by the US General Services Administration.
  • BUS-79 Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions is updated with 10% rate increase in the maximum meal rates for entertainment, business meetings, and other occasions for the Fiscal year 2022-23. This increase is in response to a 40-year high inflation rate and soaring food prices. In addition, the maximum per-person rate for meals and light refreshments includes only the cost of food and beverages for the donor and recruitment related events hosted by the Chancellors. For all other events, the total cost of labor, sales tax, delivery fees or other services fee will continue to be included in the calculation of the maximum per-person rates for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and light refreshments.

The revised policies will be posted online at