Helping employees maximize their potential

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Total compensation for staff employees include all forms of cash (i.e., salary and wages, shift differential, and on-call payments and awards) as well as health and welfare benefits, retirement and savings plans, and employee programs and services. To calculate the value of your compensation package, please use the Total Compensation Calculator. 

How to Contact Us

If you would like more information or need help with compensation services, please visit the Compensation Contacts webpage to find your compensation representative.

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Pay for Performance

One of the principles of the compensation program is to promote a relationship between pay and performance. In support of this principle, the merit program is designed to reward employees for meritorious job performance. Merit increases reflect how well an employee performs and are not automatically granted.

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Salary Surveys & Internal/External Comparisons

UCR participates in and reviews a number of salary surveys to obtain information about salaries paid in the competitive market. Some of the surveys used include: Western Management Group, William M. Mercer, Watson Wyatt, etc. Each salary survey contains a different mix of organizations, industries and geographic locations. The determination to use salary data from national, state, regional or local surveys is made based on the type and level of position as well as recruitment data. To the extent possible, UCR jobs and/or classifications are matched to the salary survey based on responsibilities, not merely classification titles.

Salary comparisons are made to similar positions within UCR. Comparisons can occur at different levels, on a systemwide, campuswide, organization-wide and department basis. The determination to make salary comparisons on a systemwide basis is generally reserved for management level positions.

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Role of Supervisor

Supervisors are involved in communicating the compensation program to their employees. The role of the supervisor encompasses the following:

  • Understand the components of the compensation program and how it works.
  • Communicate the program parameters to staff and ensure that employees know their job titles, salary range, and responsibilities.
  • Ensure positions are appropriately classified, review positions periodically, and initiate a position review through Human Resources when significant changes to the position have occurred.
  • Maintain an ongoing dialogue about performance expectations and objectives and conduct formal performance appraisals annually.
  • Make salary adjustments within the campuswide guidelines and procedures to recognize meritorious performance, correct salary inequities, or compensate for temporary assignments.

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