Helping employees maximize their potential

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People Management

The UC Systemwide People Management Series and Certificate is a program for all People Managers and aspiring managers. It consists of core and elective courses, which include local and systemwide programs and eCourses, as well as in-person learning experiences.

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Course Topics

  • Performance Management
  • Managing People
  • Administration & Operations
  • Change Management
  • Communications
People Management Certificate - benefits of completing the Series and Certificate image

Benefits of Completing the Series and Certificate

  • Builds baseline management skills for all people managers and individuals who want to become managers
  • Increases opportunity for promotion and potential for future leadership positions
  • Offers easily accessible online courses that are learner-centric and self-paced
  • Builds on coursework already taken
People Management Certificate - Series and Certificate course work image

Series and Certificate Course Work

  • Complete the following
    • 10 Core courses
    • 6 UC Managing Implicit Bias Series courses
    • 4 elective courses (one from each topic area)
  • Elective courses include systemwide eCourses and locally identified online and instructor-led courses
  • Visit the UC Learning Center (UCLC) for the complete list of eligible courses
  • View and print the People Management Series & Certificate flyer