Helping employees maximize their potential



Building Core
Supervisory Competencies

The Building Core Supervisory Competencies program offers skills and techniques that help supervisors develop their leadership skills, helping them successfully manage and develop their teams. Courses focus on self-awareness, identification of strengths and development areas, and translating your awareness into action.

What is it

This comprehensive program begins with an orientation for participants. Participants then complete 7 core courses and a variety of electives, followed by a wrap-up session and graduation celebration.

Courses offer skills and techniques that help supervisors develop their leadership skills, helping them successfully engage and develop their teams.  Participants will be offered optional activity ideas to help transfer learning and apply new skills on the job.

Building Core Supervisory Competencies - what are people saying image
 “The leadership qualities I was able to gain and develop, inform all of my decisions and have truly changed me as a leader and a person. I highly recommend this program to those who would like to develop different leadership perspectives and make meaningful connections with cross campus partners.”  “This has truly strengthened me as a leader and has contributed greatly to what I have to offer my department and the campus. I am incredibly grateful for the experience and colleagues I have been able to connect with and learn from.”

 “We each walked away with tangible skills that we’re putting to practice in our offices, and also a wider network of collaborators, committed to fostering professional development and promoting diversity and inclusion across UC Riverside.

 “Not only did the trainings give me insight and tools to what it takes to be a competent supervisor, but I also learned much about UCR that I did not know – in spite of being on campus for more than 15 years.

Program Details