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Policies and Procedures

New and Recently Revised

PPSM-36: Classification of Positions | Revised April 1, 2024

  • Effective April 1, 2024, UC issued a substantive policy revision to Personnel Policy for Staff and Management (PPSM)-36: Classification which included definitions for clarity and understanding, and content to align with systemwide policy.  Links are provided to review the track change and clean version of PPSM-36: Classification of Positions policy. 

Employment Reduction in Time - 2023 Contract | 2023 Contract

  • Effective October 30, 2023, UC issued update the Employee-Initiated Reduction in Time (ERIT) Program and ERIT Contract. ERIT is an optional tool that locations and organizational units may choose to implement as a flexible work resource.

Revised Systemwide Policy on Travel | Official Letter

  • Rescinded Revised Guidelines for Reimbursable Travel Expenses for Remote Work.  Effective Monday, March 6, 2023, those revised guidelines were rescinded, and the University of California will revert to the existing interpretation of the Business and Finance Bulletin G-28 Travel Regulations.  Which states, “Expenses for travel between the traveler’s residence and headquarters (commuting expense) shall not be allowed.” 

Revised Systemwide HR Policies | Official Letter

Please note: Policy documents are linked to the UCOP Policy website therefore changes will be reflected on the UCR HR website when the official documents are uploaded by UCOP. 

  • PPSM-2.210 Absence from Work is updated to increase the pay calculation for Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) from 70 percent to 100 percent of an employee’s eligible earnings. This increase is effective January 1, 2023.
  • PPSM-20 Recruitment and Promotion has undergone a “required by law” review to further support the University’s commitment to pay equity and to align with California Senate Bill 1162 (SB-1162). Technical edits also include adding subsections to Section III.A and editing the use of the terms “applicant” and “candidate” for increased clarity.
  • PPSM-30 Compensation has undergone a “required by law” review to further support the University’s commitment to pay equity and to align with California Senate Bill 1162 (SB-1162) and added new Section III.B.1.d (Access to Salary Range Information). 

COVID-19 - Policy Updates

Recent UCOP and UCR HR Policy Updates

Please note: Policy documents are linked to the UCOP Policy website therefore changes will be reflected on the UCR HR website when the official documents are uploaded by UCOP. 

  • Effective January 1, 2023: Policy updated to increase pay calculation for Pay for Family Care and Bonding from 70 percent to 100 percent of an employee’s eligible earnings.
  • Effective January 1, 2023: To further support the University’s commitment to pay equity and to align with California Senate Bill 1162 (SB-1162), added new Section III.B.1.d (Access to Salary Range Information).
  • Effective January 1, 2023:
    To further support the University’s commitment to pay equity and to align with California Senate Bill 1162:
    • Section II (Definitions): Added definition of Pay Scale
    • Section III.A.4 (Salary History): Edited pay scale requirement
    • Section III.C.2 (Position Description): Added pay scale requirement
    • Added subsections to Section III.A for increased clarity and made technical edits for appropriate usage of the terms “applicant” and “candidate”


UCR Policies and Procedures

In accordance with UCR Campus Policy Number: 350-11, HR will utilize HR News and ScotMemos to communicate proposed new policies and changes to existing University of California, Office of the President (UCOP) and University of California, Riverside (UCR) policies. Proposed and actual changes will also be posted on the Human Resources (HR) websitePlease note: UC Policy documents are linked to the UCOP Policy website therefore changes will be reflected on the UCR HR website when the official documents are uploaded by UCOP.