Helping employees maximize their potential

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Empower your well-being potential!
Thrive with UC Riverside’s Wellness Program

The UCR Faculty & Staff Wellness Program focuses on promoting awareness and education, motivation for positive behavior changes, and influencing campus practices and policy to support a healthy environment. The program was created to encourage all of the campus community to live healthier lifestyles and create a culture of health throughout the campus.

UCR prioritizes the health and quality of life of the campus community and through the 6 Pillars of Health, the Faculty & Staff Wellness Program offers resources and expertise to support a healthy and high performing workforce.

These 6 pillars will also include prevention programs to address any health conditions.

Wellness Calendar

Faculty and Staff Wellness Program 2024 Wellness Calendar

Wellness Listserv

Stay informed! By joining the Faculty Staff Wellness Listserv you will received updates about wellness programs and  benefits, and much more. Please use this registration link to sign up today.

6 Pillars of Health

Move Well image

Health and Welfare Well Being is crucial for quality of life and can boost mental and emotional well-being. Promoting it means staying active, eating well, getting enough rest, and taking preventive healthcare measures like vaccinations and screenings. Learn More.

Eat Well image

Nutritional Well-Being is about your health and vitality influenced by your diet. It involves eating a balanced diet with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Good nutritional well-being means a healthy weight, proper growth, and reducing the risk of diet-related diseases. Learn More.

Live Well image

Mental and Emotional Well-Being is about a person's mental health and emotional stability. It includes managing stress, coping with challenges, having positive relationships, and finding purpose and happiness which is vital for overall quality of life. Learn More.

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Community Well-Being relates to satisfaction gained from connections and involvement in communities; offering belonging, support, and positive contributions as a good and involved community citizen. Learn More.

Sleep Well image

Sleep Well-Being is your health and quality of life influenced by sleep. It means getting enough quality sleep for physical, mental, and emotional health which is vital for thinking, emotions, and overall vitality. Learn More.

Spend Well

Financial Well-Being is about your financial health and security, including control over your finances and meeting goals which is crucial for stress reduction, goal achievement, and a stable, comfortable lifestyle. Learn More.

Health and Wellness Communications

Faculty Staff and Wellness Newsletter image
  • Well Being Newsletter

    Each month, the UCR Faculty and Staff Wellness Program Well-being newsletter has a wellness topic and will provide you with valuable insights, tips, and resources to help you enhance your overall wellness and live a healthier, happier life.

    We hope you find these newsletters valuable and informative. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please send an email to Hung Wu, Wellness Coordinator:

    2024 Issues
    February 2024 March 2024 April 2024  
Wellness Ambassador banner image



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