Helping employees maximize their potential

University of Califoria, Riverside –

Everyday people invest their care, time, and energy into the roles they hold within work, but these roles are just one piece of who they are. What might it look like to go beyond the workplace? This evidence-based class will reconnect, refocus, and recharge individuals to live a more meaningful life.

In this 1-hour webinar we will:

  • Define resilience and its connection to personal wellbeing
  • Understand individual values
  • Rate how important each area of life is and how well each area is being lived out
  • Create a personal mission statement that inspires and defines an individual
Webinar Details

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 | 11:00 a.m.

Phone-In Option

  • Call: (408) 418-9388
  • Access code: 133 280 0869
  • For the best audio experience, we recommend using the call-in feature rather than listening through your computer.