On October 26, 2022, the Office of the President issued revised guidelines for reimbursable travel expenses for remote and hybrid employees.
What Changed
Effective Monday, March 6, 2023, those revised guidelines were rescinded, and the University of California will revert to the existing interpretation of the Business and Finance Bulletin G-28 Travel Regulations.
Which states, "Expenses for travel between the traveler's residence and headquarters (commuting expense} shall not be allowed."
Why Did It Change
The revised guidelines for reimbursable travel expenses for remote and hybrid employees did not consider the existing Business and Finance Bulletin on Travel Regulations. In other words, the revised guidelines conflicted with the existing policy.
The Plan Forward
The Vice President for Systemwide Human Resource will lead a workgroup to assess the definitions of and practices related to workplace modality (I.e., remote, hybrid, and on-site employee} and schedule flexibility, and how the definitions and practices may interact with current policies and procedures.
Alex Najera, AVC of Human Resources will participate in the workgroup to ensure UC Riverside is included in the conversation and assessment of workplace modality to President Drake.
As additional information becomes available, Central Human Resources along with Business and Financial Services will provide the campus updates.
Further Information
Please refer to the March 6, 2023, letter from the Office of the President.