Helping employees maximize their potential

University of California, Riverside –

Each year UC collaborates with CORO, a prestigious national non-profit leadership development organization, to provide two distinct systemwide development programs for UC faculty and staff – the UC Executive Leadership Collaborative, designed for direct reports to a Dean or Vice Chancellor, and the UC Women’s Initiative (UC WI), which is a targeted professional development program designed to prepare more women for advancement within UC. We are pleased to announce the opening of the nomination process for the 2021-2022 Systemwide UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development. We anticipate that the call for nominations for the Executive Leadership Collaborative will occur later this fall.

UC WI is an experiential professional development program for women designed to elevate women in leadership, establish a pipeline for advancement, and contribute to women’s and UC's success. UC WI is sponsored by the Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (SACSW) and the UC Office of the President, and is delivered by CORO. The program was awarded the 2018 Brandon Hall Group Gold Excellence Award for Best Advance in Women’s Leadership Development in 2018.

There will be a total of three Southern California cohorts, taking place as follows:

Cohort 1         September – November 2021
Cohort 2         January – March 2022
Cohort 3         April – June 2022

The UCR nomination process will open on March 31, 2021; applications are due by April 23, 2021.

Please visit the UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development webpage for:

•    Participant Nomination Criteria,
•    Program Participant Expectations,
•    Application Process, and
•    Additional Information.

For questions regarding this program, please email