Helping employees maximize their potential

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UCR Rehire Retiree Pool Program 

Reemployment of UC Retired Employees

UC retirees are a valuable resource, providing the University with institutional knowledge, research resources and experienced replacements on a short-term temporary basis when needed. Many employers, including UC, turn to their retirees to address compelling needs for specialized knowledge and experience in the workplace.

Most rehired UC retirees work on a part-time basis and for a limited duration, which supports the orderly administration of the retirement system and the need to refresh the UC workforce. The Rehired Retiree Pool program offers temporary assignments of short-term duration and will generally be established with non-exempt appointment status.

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Reemployment into Senior Management Group (SMG) or Staff Positions

The policy on Reemployment of UC Retired Employees into Senior Management Group (SMG) or Staff Positions governs the reemployment of all former UC employees; SMG members, staff personnel, and academic appointees who have separated from university employment and elected monthly retirement income or a lump sum cash out from the University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP), and who are rehired into SMG or staff positions.

The policy includes the following limitations on reemployment:

  1. Must be as a result of university need.
  2. Must be limited to no more than a 43 percent appointment as averaged over a 12-month period.
  3. Appointments may not normally exceed a total of 12 months. In unusual circumstances, an extension beyond 12 months may be permitted. However, rehired retiree cumulative appointment totals that exceeds 24 months must be processed as an exception.
  4. Must not occur until there has been a break in service of at least 30 days and the retiree has received their first monthly retirement installment.

For more information, please review the Regents Policy 7706 – Reemployment of UC Retired Employees Into Senior Management Group and Staff Positions.

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How to Participate

To be added to our Rehire Retiree Pool, please fill out the UCR Retire Rehire Pool form and send it by email to for processing. Upon receipt, Human Resources will review the form to verify your eligibility to work as a retired employee. You will be notified of your eligibility once your eligibility status is confirmed.

File Instructions
  1. The file will open automatically with Adobe Acrobat
  2. With the file open, fill in the appropriate fields and save to your desktop
  3. When you have completed the form, send the form by email to

If you have questions or need additional information, please send an email to