Helping employees maximize their potential


In November 2020 UCOP announced a new presidential policy* to ensure that all individuals are identified by their accurate gender identity and lived or preferred name on university-issued documents and in UC’s information systems. To comply with this policy, on June 19, 2023, a new UCPath release will introduce a new field called Name that refers to an individual’s Lived Name. UCPath will be the controlling system (e.g., source-of-authority) by which employees, affiliates or volunteers can change their legal name and Lived Name.    

*What the policy states:

  • The legal name of university students, employees, alumni and affiliates, if different than the individual’s lived name, must be kept confidential and must not be published on documents or displayed in IT Resource Systems that do not require a person’s legal name.
  • It is the intent of the University that implementation of this policy begins on the date of policy issuance [November 17, 2020] with full implementation of policy and procedures completed no later than December 31, 2023 for systems that do not rely on UCPath data. Systems that are dependent on UCPath data have until June 2024 to be in compliance.


In the past you would be able to make changes to your name via eDirectory or other requests. Going forward UCPath will be the controlling system (e.g., source-of-authority) by which employees, affiliates or volunteers can change their legal name and Lived Name. If you currently use a name that is different than your legal first and/or legal last name in the UCR Directory (Profiles), your email address or other local UCR system, it will need to be updated in the UCPath Portal.  

This new UCPath release is on June 20, 2023 and will introduce a new field called Name that refers to an individuals Lived Name. If you do not use a name that is different than your legal name, the legal name (first, middle and last) will automatically populate the new UCPath Name fields.



  • If you only use your legal name(s), no action is required.
  • If you use a name that is different than your legal name (for example, you are known as Mary West and would like to change your name to Casey West) please follow the steps below:
  • For Staff or Academic Employee's or Affiliates
  • For Student Employee's or Volunteers
    • UCPath is the source-of-authority for student employees and volunteers.
    • The Banner system also provides name data as a source-of-authority.
    • If a student applied or registered a Lived name in Banner, be sure to also add this name to UCPath.
    • UCR Job Aid – How to Change My Name in UCPath?


  • If you have questions regarding the process of updating your name in UCPath please email
  • If you have questions regarding the policy email