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Smoke/Tobacco Free at UCR

Tobacco Free - Breathe Easy

Why UC is Smoke/Tobacco Free

While the use of tobacco is a personal choice, the health hazards related to smoking and exposure to second- and third-hand smoke are well-documented. These hazards can affect not only the smoker but also the nonsmoker who is exposed to the smoke. 

As a leader in healthcare and environmental practices, the University recognizes its responsibility to exercise leadership through the creation of a smoke-free environment for all students, employees and visitors at all University of California campuses, medical centers and facilities. Visit the UC Smoke & Tobacco Free Policy website for more information.

This policy is being adopted by all University of California campuses, labs and centers to improve the health and safety of all UC students, staff, faculty, patients and visitors. This policy prohibits the use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, snuff, snus, water pipes, pipes, hookahs, chew, and any other non-combustible tobacco product.

Tobacco Free Information & Resources