Base Path

Mandatory Workplace Postings – due by April 1, 2025

As part of our ongoing commitment to compliance and maintaining a positive workplace environment, we would like to remind all departments about the requirement to ensure that all faculty and staff have reasonable access to mandatory workplace posters. It is essential that these posters are displayed appropriately in your organizational unit. Please be advised that...

Notice to Employees of Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) Decision re. Unfair Practice Case No. SF-CE-1344-H

Notice to Employees of Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) Decision re. Unfair Practice Case No. SF-CE-1344-H Pursuant to the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) Decision regarding Unfair Labor Practice Charge SF-CE-1344-H, the University is required to provides this Notice to Employees.

UCR’s Performance Management Process – Forms and Resources for 2024 – 2025

It’s time to complete the 2024-2025 (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025) performance appraisals. Background The University of California’s PPSM 23: Performance Management policy informs campus locations that the performance of each employee shall be appraised at least annually in writing by the employee’s immediate supervisor, or more frequently in accordance with UCR local...

Temporary Systemwide Wildfire Catastrophic Leave Bank

This communication is to inform the campus community of UC’s decision to create a new, temporary Systemwide Wildfire Catastrophic Leave Bank. The leave bank is to benefit UC employees who have been adversely affected by the wildfires in the greater Los Angeles region. Effective, Thursday, February 13, 2025, through Monday, March 31, 2025, eligible UC...

Expanded Sick Leave – Protected Sick Leave and TARS Entry Code

This communication is to inform the campus of recent Expanded Sick Leave as it relates to the Protected Sick Leave option made available to all staff and student employees. On Wednesday, November 13, 2024, Campus Communications emailed a notice to UCR Faculty and Staff informing the campus that expanded paid sick leave would start on...

Local Procedure 36: Classification of Positions

This communication is to inform the campus of revisions to Local Procedure 36: Classification of Positions. Campus HR Partners were given an opportunity to provide comments during the review period in November 2024. Those comments were reviewed by Central Human Resources (CHR) leadership and the final version of the procedures are now available on the...

Local Procedure 3: Types of Appointment (Contract & Limited)

This communication is to inform the campus of revisions to Local Procedure 3: Types of Appointment (contract) and Local Procedure 3: Types of Appointment (limited ). Campus HR Partners were given an opportunity to provide comments during the review period in October and November, 2024. Those comments were reviewed by Central Human Resources (CHR) leadership...
Lactation Accommodation award image

Issuance of PPSM-84: Lactation Accommodation

This communication is to inform you of the recent revision and issuance of PPSM-84: Lactation Accommodation. The Presidential Policy went through a substantive revision process, which include: Technical edits for compliance with legal requirements References to “breastfeeding” and “mothers” were replaced with “lactation” and “lactating employees” Procedure content was moved into the policy section Clarifying...
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Notice of Request for Recognition – FUPOA’s Request for Recognition As Exclusive Representative of Employees In the Police Sergeant Classification at the University of California

Notice of Request for Recognition – FUPOA’s Request for Recognition As Exclusive Representative of Employees In the Police Sergeant Classification at the University of California The Federated University Police Officers Association (FUPOA) has filed a petition with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) requesting recognition as the exclusive representative of all employees in the Police...
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California Winds and Wildfires

The recent California winds and subsequent wildfires have impacted many in our campus community. We would like to offer our condolences to all those affected and those who have been evacuated from their homes due to fires. In addition to the fires, we are also aware that many employees have been impacted by the high...