Helping employees maximize their potential


How to Initiate a Layoff or Reduction in Time

Consult an Employee and Labor Relations Analyst before considering possible layoff or reduction in time.

Steps to Initiate a Layoff or Reduction in Time
Step One
Determine the rationale for the action. Reasons for such action are lack of funds, lack of work, or reorganization.
  • Review all sources of income, current and/or proposed work requirements, and reasons for reorganization.
Step Two
Determine the needs of the new organization.
  • Review the necessity of all current student positions and limited-time appointments within the affected organization (layoff unit).
  • Outline the type and number of positions needed in the new organization.
Step Three
Compare the proposed new organization to the existing organization.
  • Determine which positions and classifications will be affected by the proposed layoff or reduction in time.
  • Focus on positions, not individuals.
Step Four
Review the pertinent layoff article.
Step Five
Prepare layoff proposal.
  • Complete Layoff/Reduction in Time proposal, and have it signed by your Department Head.
  • If you propose an employee for layoff who has seniority over other employees, you must also provide:
    • The names of all less senior employees in the same payroll title.
    • Justification of the reasons for retaining a less senior employee.
    • Position Descriptions for employee proposed for layoff as well as for each employee who is less senior.
  • Keep and file all paperwork associated with your decision-making process.
Step Six
Wait for Employee Relations to process the layoff proposal.
  • Employee and Labor Relations (ER) reviews your proposal(s) for accuracy and compliance with policy and collective bargaining agreements.
  • ER provides the final review.
  • ER contacts your department to let you know that the layoff is approved and provides you with a template layoff notice and severance election form for you to present to the employee(s) along with Layoff Packet Information.
Step Seven
Notify affected employee(s).
  • Wait for approval from your Employee Relations Consultant
  • Confirm and clarify specific rights of affected employee with Employee Relations Consultant.
  • Meet privately with each employee when giving a layoff notice.

Allow sufficient time for the employee to ask questions.

Step Eight
Provide support.
  • Allow release time for the employee to utilize services offered throughout layoff such as career counseling, ASAP, etc.
  • Refer the employee to Layoff/Reduction in Time: Resources for Employees.
Step Nine
Communicate the situation to the rest of your department.
  • Determine if a meeting or written communication is most appropriate.
  • Provide time and/or opportunity for questions and responses.
  • Contact the Employee and Labor Relations Analyst for guidance.