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Unexpected Visitors

Unexpected Visitors

This page provides guidance on an appropriate and effective first response to unexpected visitors in the workplace. Regardless of the visitor, it is important that you maintain a calm, professional and firm demeanor at all times in dealing with guests arriving in your department.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Employee and Labor Relations.

Department Guidelines

The following guidelines should be observed when receiving unexpected visitors.

  • Visitors may not be present in restricted areas without permission and should not to interrupt or disrupt work.
  • Determine if the visitors are in an appropriate visitor area of your department.
  • Ask the visitors to state their business at your department.
    • What is the purpose of their visit?
    • Is the visit related to department business?
    • With whom do they wish to visit?
  • Determine if the visit violates University access provisions of policy or labor agreements. If so, explain to the visitors why their presence is in violation of UC policy or the applicable bargaining unit labor agreement. 
  • If you can offer a reasonable alternative for the time and place of the visit, do so and schedule it.
    • If you cannot, tell the visitors you will inform the employee of the visit.
    • Ask the visitors to leave and escort them (without physical contact) to an appropriate location.