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A-Z Policy Finder

At UCR, clearly defined workplace policies will define the acceptable standards of behavior and serve as a point of reference for various issues.

As an alternative, you can also search for policy by alphabetical order. Simply click on the tab with the beginning letter of the policy name. In addition, we have also included a brief summary of the policy to help guide you in your search.

Policies - A
Absence From Work

This system-wide policy and local procedure provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members.

The local procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand the Leave of Absence policy.

Abusive Conduct in the Workplace
UC is committed to promoting and maintaining a healthy working environment in which every individual is treated with respect. This system-wide policy addresses the University’s responsibilities and procedures related to Abusive Conduct and Retaliation for reporting, or participating in, an investigation or other process provided for in this policy.
Lactation Accommodation
The system-wide policy establishes the guidelines for private space available for lactation purposes and lactation break periods for employees who are breastfeeding.
Administrative Leave
(Leave with Pay)

UC and UCR are committed to administering requests by employees for time off from work fairly and to treat similarly situated employees consistently. While eligibility and leave entitlements vary under Family Medical Leave and California Family Rights and other legislated leave provisions, these procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand the Leave of Absence process.

Advancement (Promotion)
This local procedure is to ensure the campus community is aware of the local guidance on compensation matters in regards to promotions. 
Administrative Stipend
This system-wide and local procedure is to ensure the campus community is aware of the local guidance on compensation matters in regards to administrative stipends. 
Alternate Work Arrangements

This system-wide and local procedure is to ensure the campus community is aware of the local guidance on compensation matters in regards to Alternative Work Arrangements. Additional guidelines provided.

Appointments (Initial Employment)

This system-wide policy and local procedure describes the process for selecting and appointing candidates for employment, including background checks, reference checks, and employment eligibility verification, as well as the employment of near relatives.

Appointments (Contract Positions)

This system-wide policy and local procedure describes the types of appointments covered by personnel policies applicable to employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups. This procedure provides specific guidance and informs the campus of the procedures for appointing individuals into contract appointments. 

Appointments (Partial-Year Positions)

This system-wide policy and local procedure describes the types of appointments covered by personnel policies applicable to employees in the Professional & Support Staff and Managers & Senior Professionals personnel groups, and Senior Management Group Members. The local procedure provides guidance for furlough and partial year career appointments.

Arbitration (Complaint Resolution)

This system-wide policy provides direction and authority to resolve complaints made by employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups.

The local procedure provides additional information and procedural steps that are not included in the corresponding system-wide policy for resolving complaints made by employees.

Policies - B
Background Checks

This system-wide policy and local procedure describes the process for selecting and appointing candidates for employment, including background checks, reference checks, and employment eligibility verification, as well as the employment of near relatives; locally, the procedure informs the campus of the requirements and procedures to select and appoint candidates.
Bereavement (Funeral) Leave
This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional and Support Staff (PSS), Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members and provides direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand the Leave of Absence policy.
Blood Donations
This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional and Support Staff (PSS), Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members and provides direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand the Leave of Absence policy.
Bonus Programs

This Hiring Bonus Program (HBP) authorizes granting hiring bonuses to external candidates hired into eligible positions as part of the University’s hiring offer with the University’s objective to attract talented external candidates. 

A Retention Bonus or Payments Program (RBP) is a targeted payment outside of an employee's regular salary that is offered as an incentive to keep a key employee on the job to meet critical and priority business needs.

Breaks (Rest Periods)
This system-wide policy and local procedure describes compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups; locally the procedure creates awareness  of the local guidance on compensation matters.
Policies - C
Call-Back Pay

This system-wide policy and local procedure provides direction for compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups.

Catastrophic Leave

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional and Support Staff (PSS), Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members.

The UCR Catastrophic Leave Sharing Program permits an employee to voluntarily donate a portion of their accrued vacation leave to be used by other University employees.

Changing and/or Clean-Up Time
This system-wide policy and local procedure provides direction for compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups.
PPSM 36: Classification of Positions

This system-wide policy and local procedures describe classification of a position and the classification review process.

Compensation (Salary, Wages, Pay)

This system-wide policy describes compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups.

The local procedure provide guidance on PPSM 30 to ensure the campus community is aware of the local guidance on compensation matters. 

Compensatory Time Off
This system-wide policy and local procedure provides direction for compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups.
Complaint Resolution (Grievance, Arbitration)

This system-wide policy provides direction and authority to resolve complaints made by employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups.

The local procedure provides additional information and procedural steps that are not included in the corresponding system-wide policy for resolving complaints made by employees.

APM-140: Complaint Resolution (Non-Senate Non-Represented Appointees)

This system-wide policy provides non-Senate academic appointees the opportunity to present grievances. 

Conflict of Interest

This system-wide policy addresses activities by employees in the Professional & Support Staff, Managers & Senior Professionals, and Senior Management Group personnel programs that may be considered a conflict of interest.

Contracting for Services

These system-wide guidelines describe how to contract out for services where University staff would be displaced (not including services covered by Regents Policy 5402 or Article 5 of the AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement).

For Local procedures for contracting out for services are to prioritize the use of UC employees to provide covered services prior to contracting workers or services, whenever possible. The information contained in this document will provide guidance to the campus on Regent’s Policy 5402 in relation to Contracting Out for Covered Services.

Corrective Action

This system-wide policy describes the types of corrective action including written warning, corrective salary decrease, suspension and demotion.

The Local procedure shall be used to inform the campus of the requirements and procedures to address concerns regarding conduct or work performance of regular status staff employees.

C-STOP Program


Campus Special Transfer Opportunity Program (C-STOP) is a campus program that allows organizational units to facilitate the placement of employees identified or confirmed for layoff into a vacant position, which is outside the eligible employee’s organizational unit.
Curtailment (Campus Closure)
In this system-wide policy, curtailment is used when normal campus operations are reduced; the time is unpaid. For represented employees, curtailment days are handled according to contract provisions or collective bargaining agreements.
Policies - D
Disability (Medical) Leave
This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members.
Policies - E
Employment Reduction in Time

The UC Employee-Initiated Reduction In Time (ERIT) Program is an optional tool that locations and organizational units may choose to implement as a flexible work resource. The ERIT Program provides an opportunity for employees to voluntarily reduce their current appointment percentage and corresponding pay.

E-Verify Local Procedure

All U.S employers, including the University of California (UC), are required to verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired, complete and retain a Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification for each employee, and refrain from discriminating against individuals on the basis of national origin or citizenship. This policy provides instruction for implementation of these requirements.

Educational Leave
(Professional Development)

This policy describes the University’s support of professional development for staff appointments in the Professional & Support Staff, Managers & Senior Professionals, and Senior Management Group personnel programs.

Electronic Communications

This policy, which applies to all faculty and staff, addresses the rules on preserving Electronically Stored Information (ESI) relevant to current or potential litigation or other legal disputes. 


This system-wide policy and local procedure provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand the Leave of Absence policy.

Employment References

This local procedure is to provide managers and employees information on how to determine when to give an external or internal reference check.

Employment Related Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Complaint and Resolution

This policy defines Prohibited Conduct and provides a process through which members of the UCR community, including students, employees, persons seeking employment, paid and unpaid interns, volunteers, participants in a training program leading to employment, and independent contractors, may report alleged discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and other conduct that violates the applicable non-discrimination laws or University policies.

Equipment and Tools

This local procedure is to provide managers and employees information on how to determine when to give an external or internal reference check.

Equity Pay

This policy describes compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups in regards to how it relates to equity pay.

Extended Sick Leave
(Work-Incurred Injury & Illness)

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand extended sick leave (work incurred injury and illness).

Policies - F
Family & Medical Leave

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand family medical leave.

Fingerprinting & Criminal
History Record Check
 Campus Procedure

Live Scan fingerprinting captures fingerprints and palm prints electronically, without the need for the more traditional method of ink and paper. This link provides UCR’s Live Scan information.

Funeral (Bereavement) Leave

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand bereavement leave.

Policies - G
PPSM-1: General Provisions

This system-wide policy provides direction and authority regarding personnel policies applicable to staff members.

Grievances (Complaint Resolution)

This policy provides direction and authority to resolve complaints made by employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups.

Grievances (Non-Senate
Non-Represented Appointees)

This policy provides non-Senate academic appointees the opportunity to present grievances. The use of this policy shall not be discouraged by the University either directly or indirectly.


Policies - H
Hiring Bonus

This Hiring Bonus Program (HBP) authorizes granting hiring bonuses to external candidates hired into eligible positions as part of the University’s hiring offer.


The University provides a full array of time-off policies to help eligible employees integrate work and personal obligations. This policy explains the types of time off benefits available to assist employees in managing events requiring time away from work, including holidays.

Hours of Work

This policy describes compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups.

Policies - I
I-9 Employment Eligibility

All U.S employers, including the University of California (UC), are required to verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired, complete and retain a Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification for each employee, and refrain from discriminating against individuals on the basis of national origin or citizenship. This policy provides instruction for implementation of these requirements.

PPSM-34: Incentive and Recognition Award Plans

This system-wide policy provides direction and authority for the development and approval of incentive award plans and recognition award plans under which Manager & Senior Professional (MSP) and Professional & Support Staff (PSS) employees may receive awards.

Also know as STAR Guidelines, this local procedure guidelines serve as a framework for implementation of cash recognition awards for employees under the Staff Appreciation and Recognition Plan (the “STAR Plan”) at UCR campus.

Indefinite Layoff

This system-wide policy provides direction and authority to effectuate indefinite and temporary layoffs and indefinite and temporary reductions in time when layoffs or reductions in time are necessary to support the University’s business needs.

This local procedure in conjunction with UC PPSM 60 is to provide managers and employees information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.


Investigatory Leave (Interim Suspension)

The system-wide  policy describes the investigatory leave process for employees in the Professional & Support Staff and Managers & Senior Professionals personnel groups, and Senior Management Group members. 

This local procedure in conjunction with UC PPSM 63 is to provide managers and supervisors guidance on when investigatory leave may be warranted and the required process.

Policies - J
Job Interviews

This system-wide policy describes the process for selecting and appointing candidates for employment, including background checks, reference checks, and employment eligibility verification, as well as the employment of near relatives.

This local Procedure 21 provides campus guidelines.

Job Posting

This system-wide policy applies to all aspects of competitive recruitment, as well as internal promotions, exemptions from recruitment, and waivers of recruitment.

This local procedure is intended to provide specific guidance to implement the provisions of UC PPSM-20, which requires competitive recruitment for all staff positions at UCR unless otherwise stated in the policy.

Jury Duty Leave

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand Jury Duty Leave.

Policies - L
Lactation Accommodation

These resources provide information of UCR’s Lactation Accommodation Program as well as the program guidelines.

Layoff and Reduction in Time

This system-wide policy covers indefinite layoff and indefinite reduction in time, temporary layoff and temporary reduction in time, transfer to a limited position resulting from the elimination of a career position, and involuntary reassignment to a partial-year career position resulting from the elimination of a full-year career position.

This local procedure in conjunction with PPSM 60 to provide managers and employee’s information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.

Leave of Absence

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand leaves of absences at UCR.

Letter of Warning (Written Warning)

This policy describes the types of corrective action – written warning, corrective salary decrease, suspension and demotion – the University may take to address concerns regarding the conduct or work performance of regular status Professional and Support & Staff (PSS) employees.

The local procedure on corrective action shall be used to inform the campus of the requirements and procedures to address concerns regarding conduct or work performance of regular status staff employees.

Limited Appointment

This system-wide policy describes the types of appointments covered by personnel policies applicable to employees in the Professional & Support Staff and Managers and Senior & Professionals personnel groups, and Senior Management Group Members.

This local procedure shall be used to inform the campus of the University of California’s criteria for these appointing limited employees as stated in PPSM 3.

Policies - M
Mandatory Posters

This link will provide guidelines for posting required federal, state, and local posters.

Meal Periods

This policy describes compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups as it relates to meal periods.

Medical  (Disability) Leave

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus to understand medical (disability) leave.

Medical Separation

The policy and procedures describe the basis for medically separating a non-probationary career (regular status) employee from University employment when the employee can no longer perform the essential functions of the employee’s position with or without reasonable accommodation due to a disability, and reassignment is not an option under Personnel Policies for Staff Members PPSM 81 (Reasonable Accommodation). This local procedure provides guidance on the process at the campus level.

Merit Increase

This policy describes compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups as it relates to merit increase.

Military-Related Leaves
Supplement to Military Pay Policies 

This system-wide policy describes the salary supplement that is provided to those University academic and staff personnel serving on active military duty in support of an ongoing overseas military mobilization campaign.

Moving Expense & Relocation Allowance for Staff Employees

This local procedure applies to the payment and taxation of Moving and Relocation expenses for the University’s Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP) and Professional and Support Staff (PSS) personnel. This policy does not apply to moving and removal expenses for academic employees.

Multiple Appointments

This policy describes compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups as it relates to multiple appointments.

Policies - N
Near Relatives

This policy describes the process for selecting and appointing candidates for employment, including background checks, reference checks, and employment eligibility verification, as well as the employment of near relatives.

Policies - O
On-Call Pay

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to on-call pay.

Order of Layoff (Seniority)

This system-wide policy provides direction and authority to effectuate indefinite and temporary layoffs and indefinite and temporary reductions in time when layoffs or reductions in time are necessary to support the University’s business needs.

This local procedure in conjunction with PPSM 60 is to provide managers and employees information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.

Out of Class Assignment

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to out of class assignment.

Outsourcing for Covered Services

These resources provide program information and guidelines for Contracting for Services at a UC and UCR campus level.


This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to overtime.

Policies - P
Parental Leave (Baby Bonding)

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to parental leave (baby bonding).

Partial-Year Career Positions

This policy describes the types of appointments covered by personnel policies applicable to employees in the Professional & Support Staff and Managers & Senior Professionals personnel groups, and Senior Management Group Members.

Pay (Wages, Salary, Compensation)

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Performance Management

This Policy provides direction for conducting performance management and performance appraisals for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups.

Local guidance on PPSM 23 is to ensure supervisors conduct appropriate performance management activities and prepare written or electronic performance appraisals of staff employees. Such activities are intended to foster a high-performance workplace, contribute to achievement of department and unit goals and objectives, and provide for professional development of UCR staff employee.


This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to perquisites.

Personal Leave

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to personal leave.

Personnel Files

This system-wide policy describes personnel records, access to personnel records by persons inside or outside the University, as well as the location of records and the period of retention. This Local procedure for PPSM 80 is to ensure department records are maintained with accuracy, completeness, and are appropriately and reasonably safeguarded to ensure security and confidentiality. The information contained in this document will provide guidance to departments, managers, supervisors, and HR business partners on when and how to maintain staff personnel records.

Personnel Policies for Staff Members

This university-wide manual contains the personnel policies that apply to staff members at the University of California.

Preferential Rehire from Layoff

This system-wide policy provides direction and authority to effectuate indefinite and temporary layoffs and indefinite and temporary reductions in time when layoffs or reductions in time are necessary to support the University’s business needs.

This local procedure in conjunction with PPSM 60 provides managers and employees information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.

Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL)

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to PDL.

Probationary Period

This system-wide policy and local procedure describe the terms of the probationary period for employees in the Professional & Support Staff personnel group.

Professional Development

This system-wide policy describes the University’s support of professional development for staff appointments in the Professional & Support Staff, Managers & Senior Professionals, and Senior Management Group personnel programs.

This local procedure will help employees and supervisors navigate through the process.

Promotion (Advancement)

This policy describes compensation, hours of work, and related components for employees in the Managers & Senior Professionals and Professional & Support Staff personnel groups.

Protective Clothing

This system-wide policy and local procedure provide guidelines for employees with certain protective work clothing and safety equipment and covers the cost of replacement allowances for certain uniforms.

UC BFB-RMP-7, Protection of Administrative Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information Policy

This system-wide policy establishes the processes for safeguarding personally identifiable information in Administrative Records.

Policies - R
Reasonable Accommodation (Rehabilitation)

The policy and procedures address the interactive process in which the University engages with employees with disabilities to identify and implement reasonable accommodations that will enable employees to perform the essential functions of their positions. If there is no reasonable accommodation that would enable the employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of the employee’s current position absent undue hardship, the interactive process is used to explore the possibility of reassignment to a vacant position for which the employee is qualified.

The local procedure addresses the interactive process in which UCR engages with employees with disabilities to identify and implement reasonable accommodations when possible.

Recall from Layoff

This policy provides direction and authority to effectuate indefinite and temporary layoffs and indefinite and temporary reductions in time when layoffs or reductions in time are necessary to support the University’s business needs. This local procedure in conjunction with PPSM 60 provides managers and employees information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.


The policy and procedures describe classification of a position and the classification review process.


This policy describes recruitment requirements for staff appointments in the Professional & Support Staff, Managers & Senior Professionals, and Senior Management Group personnel programs.

Reduced Fee Enrollment

This system-wide policy reviews the reduced fees for all regular status staff members who meet the admission requirements of the University. This local procedure will help employees and supervisors navigate through the process.

Reduction in Time
(Temporary & Indefinite)

This policy provides direction and authority to effectuate indefinite and temporary layoffs and indefinite and temporary reductions in time when layoffs or reductions in time are necessary to support the University’s business needs.

This local procedure in conjunction with PPSM 60 provides managers and employees information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.

Reemployment of UC Retired Employees into Staff Positions

Guidelines and procedures in which a Retired Employee is reemployed on a temporary basis into a career position such as the same position held before retirement or another vacant career position.

Release During Probationary Period
or From Limited or Causal
Restricted Appointments

This system-wide policy describes the types of appointments covered by personnel policies applicable to employees in the Professional & Support Staff and Managers & Senior Professionals personnel groups, and Senior Management Group Members.

This local policy describes the terms of the probationary period for employees in the Professional & Support Staff personnel group.

Release Time for Development

This system-wide policy describes the University’s support of professional development for staff appointments in the Professional & Support Staff, Managers & Senior Professionals, and Senior Management Group personnel programs.

This local procedure will help employees and supervisors navigate through the process.

Religious (Special) Holidays

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to religious (special) holidays.

Reproductive Loss Leave
The University of California (UC) enhanced leave programs and policies are designed to help employees balance their work and personal lives. UC’s leave options expanded to provide eligible employees with protected leave following a reproductive loss, and this change aligns with California legislation that became effective January 1, 2024.
Rest Periods (Breaks)

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Retention Bonus

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Retirement Gift Program Policy

This local procedure of the University of California, Riverside’s (UCR) Retirement Gift Program is to provide guidance on when and how to use the retirement gift program, and the allowable increments of gifts. In addition, related policies and references are included.

For more information on the program and it's processes, please visit the Retirement Gift Program webpage.

Policies - S
Salary Decrease (Reduction in pay)

This policy describes the types of corrective action – written warning, corrective salary decrease, suspension and demotion – the University may take to address concerns regarding the conduct or work performance of regular status Professional and Support Staff (PSS) employees.

This local procedure on corrective action shall be used to inform the campus of the requirements and procedures to address concerns regarding conduct or work performance of regular status staff employees.


This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Self-Identification Surveys FAQs - Academic & Staff Employees

In accordance with federal regulations, the University of California is required to solicit gender, race/ethnicity, disability status and protected veteran status from applicants and employees during the hiring process. These responses are collected from applicants and from new hires through payroll forms they are required to complete.

Seniority (Order of Layoff)

This policy provides direction and authority to effectuate indefinite and temporary layoffs and indefinite and temporary reductions in time when layoffs or reductions in time are necessary to support the University’s business needs.

This local procedure in conjunction with PPSM 60 provides managers and employees information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.

Senior Management Personnel Policies

This university-wide policy contains the personnel policies that apply to Senior Management Group (SMG) at the University of California. This local procedure provides guidelines for SMG’s annual performance evaluations and leadership development assessments.


This policy provides direction and authority to effectuate indefinite and temporary layoffs and indefinite and temporary reductions in time when layoffs or reductions in time are necessary to support the University’s business needs.

This local procedure in conjunction with PPSM 60 provides managers and employees information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.

Sexual Harassment

UCR's Office of Civil Rights (formerly the Office of Title IX, Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action), as part of its mission to promote equity and create a working, living and learning climate free from discrimination and harassment, enforces UC anti-discrimination policies.

Shift Differential

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Sick Leave

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus in regards to Sick Leave.

Smoke/Tobacco Free Environment

This system-wide policy and associated procedures are intended to provide a healthier, safe and productive work and learning environment for the entire campus community. UC Riverside is committed to a healthy campus culture and environment.

Staff Recognition Awards

This system-wide policy provides direction and authority for the development and approval of incentive award plans and recognition award plans under which Manager & Senior Professional (MSP) and Professional & Support Staff (PSS) employees may receive awards.

UCR’s guidelines, also know as the STAR Plan, serve as a framework for implementation of cash recognition awards for employees under the Staff Appreciation and Recognition Plan (the “STAR Plan”) at the Riverside campus.

Statement of Privacy Value

The UC Statement of Privacy Values first declares privacy as an important value of the University of California. It then defines what the two forms of privacy are, and explains that they must be balanced with one another and with other values and obligations of the University.

Student Assistants (Salary Increases)

Local guidance on Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) 30: Compensation is to ensure the campus community is aware of the local guidance on compensation matters.

Student Employment Guidelines

These guidelines help the department with the student process of financial support and practical experience in the pursuit of the student’s educational goals.

Student Note Takers

These systemwide guidelines clarify the two options available for the treatment of student note takers providing services for disability resource programs.

Substance Abuse in the Workplace

This policy prohibits the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, possession or use of controlled substances and alcohol on university property or at official functions.

Policies - T
Telecommuting Procedure for Staff Members

Guidelines for a work schedule that includes some hybrid (or use flexible) remote options.

Temporary Assignments

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Temporary Layoff

This policy provides direction and authority to effectuate indefinite and temporary layoffs and indefinite and temporary reductions in time when layoffs or reductions in time are necessary to support the University’s business needs.

This local procedure in conjunction with UC PPSM 60 provides managers and employees information on how to determine when layoffs are appropriate, the evaluation process for layoffs and alternatives to layoffs on the campus.

Termination of Career PSS Employees

This policy describes separation from employment due to job abandonment and the process for terminating career employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups who are not Officers of the University.

The local procedure provides guidance to employees and managers/supervisors on the separations from employment due to job abandonment and the process for terminating career employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups at UCR.

Termination of Career MSP Employees I-VII

This policy describes separation from employment due to job abandonment and the process for terminating career employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups who are not Officers of the University.

This local procedure provides guidance to employees and managers/supervisors on the separations from employment due to job abandonment and the process for terminating career employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups at UCR.

Termination of Career MSP Employees VIII & IX

This policy describes separation from employment due to job abandonment and the process for terminating career employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups who are not Officers of the University.

This local procedure provides guidance to employees and managers/supervisors on the separations from employment due to job abandonment and the process for terminating career employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) personnel groups at UCR.

Tools and Equipment

The system-wide policy and local procedure provides employees with certain protective work clothing and safety equipment and covers the cost of replacement allowances for certain uniforms.


This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Travel Time

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Trial/Reassignment Employment
(Reasonable Accommodation)

The system-wide policy and procedures address the interactive process in which the University engages with employees with disabilities to identify and implement reasonable accommodations that will enable employees to perform the essential functions of their positions.

This local procedure addresses the interactive process in which UCR engages with employees with disabilities to identify and implement reasonable accommodations when possible.

Types of Appointment (Positions)

This policy describes the types of appointments covered by personnel policies applicable to employees in the Professional & Support Staff and Managers & Senior Professionals personnel groups, and Senior Management Group Members.

Policies - U
UCOP Human Resources Procedures - Introduction

These Human Resources Procedures complement the University of California Personnel Policies for Staff Members (UCPPSM), and are to be used in tandem with the UC-PPSM for all non-represented staff employee personnel issues. Exclusively represented employees are subject to the terms and conditions of their respective collective bargaining agreements.

UCR Campus Policies

The UCR Policy King website encompasses all UCR campus-wide policies and procedures.

Use of Volunteers

This policy provides guidance for the use of non-employees (e.g., volunteer services, temporary agency workers) of the University of California (UC), to promote safety, reduce risk and protect the interests of the University of California, Riverside (UCR) campus, its Contingent Workers, Person of Interest, and the community it services.

Policies - V

This policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional and Support Staff (PSS), Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members.

Veteran's Leave

This policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional and Support Staff (PSS), Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members.

Violence Prevention - Zero Tolerance

UCR is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and secure environment, one that is free from all forms of Violence. This policy applies to all members of the UCR Community, including faculty and other academic personnel, staff, students, volunteers, contractors, vendors, and visitors

Voting Leave

This policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional and Support Staff (PSS), Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members.

Policies - W
Weekend Differential

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Whistleblower Protection

UC's Whistleblower webpage provides informational posters, policies and trainings, FAQs and campus resources.

Witness Leave (Administrative Leave)

This policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional and Support Staff (PSS), Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members.

Workplace Conduct Policies

This policy addresses the University’s responsibilities and procedures related to Abusive Conduct and Retaliation for reporting, or participating in, an investigation or other process provided for in this policy.

Work Schedule

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Work Week

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Workers' Compensation

UCR’s Workers’ Compensation webpage provides guidance and information on how to report a work-related injury.

Working on a Holiday

This system-wide policy provides direction for the accrual, use and recording of all paid and unpaid leave available to eligible Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) members. These procedures provide direction across the UC system and for the UCR campus.

Bargaining Units & Contracts

Academic Researchers -  RA

United Auto Workers (UAW) 4811

The Academic Researchers Unit (ARU) is a systemwide bargaining unit of academic researchers at the University of California, comprised of Academic Specialists, Project Scientists, Professional Researchers and Coordinators of Public Programs. 

Academic Student Employees - BX 

United Auto Workers (UAW) 4811

The Academic Student Employee Unit (BX) is a systemwide bargaining unit (except UCSF) comprised of graduate teaching assistants, readers, tutors and other instructional assistants who work in support of faculty and lecturers.

Clerical & Allied Services - CX

Teamsters Local 2010

The Clerical Unit (CX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of non-supervisory clerical and related positions at UC campuses, medical centers and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 

Health Care Professionals - HX

University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE)

The Health Care Professional Unit (HX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of non-supervisory licensed health care practitioners who provide a variety of clinical and medical services in support of the University’s medical and student health centers.

Professional Librarians - LX

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

The Professional Librarians Unit (LX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of non-supervisory professional librarians who provide vital services to maintain the highest quality academic, scientific and medical library facilities at all UC campuses and medical centers and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).

Non-Senate Instructional (Lecturers) - IX

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

The Lecturers Unit (IX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of Non-Academic Senate Lecturers who provide vital instructional services at UC campuses and medical centers. 

Registered Nurses - NX

California Nurses Association (CNA)

The Nurse Unit (NX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of registered nurses in campus student health and medical centers, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). 

Physicians, Dentist and Podiatrists - DX

Union of Physicians and Dentists (UAPD)

The Student Health Physicians Unit (DX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of physicians, dentists and podiatrists that provide valuable patient care that serves students and supports their learning at campus student health and counseling centers. 

Police Officers - PA

Federated University Police Officers Associations (FUPOA)

The Police Officers Unit (PA) is a systemwide bargaining unit of non-supervisory police officers who provide the full range of law enforcement services at all UC campuses. 

Postdoctoral Scholars - PX

United Auto Workers (UAW)

The Postdoctoral Scholars Unit (PX) is a systemwide bargaining unit comprised of postdoctoral scholars and postgraduate researchers who work in support of faculty and lecturers. 

Patient Care Technical - EX

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

The Patient Care Technical Unit (EX), also referred to as PCT, is a systemwide bargaining unit of employees engaged primarily in the rendering of patient support services at UC’s Medical Centers and in fewer numbers on UC’s campuses. 

Research Support Professionals - RX

University Professional and Technical Employees (AFSCME)

The Research Support Professionals Unit (RX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of non-supervisory research support professionals who provide highly specialized and complex scientific support for researchers throughout the UC system and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). 

Service - SX

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

The Service Unit (SX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of non-supervisory service workers who provide vital custodial, transportation and related basic support services throughout the UC system and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).

Technical - TX

University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE)

The Technical Unit (TX) is a systemwide bargaining unit of non-supervisory technical support personnel in a highly diverse unit who provide a great range of technical support services for academic and scientific research throughout the UC system and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). 

UC Riverside Local Skilled Craft - K5

International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 501, AFL-CIO

UC Riverside Local Medical Resident - M5

Committee of Interns and Residents/Service Employee International Union (CIR/SEIU)

UCR's local skilled craft agreement (K5) supports the scope of representation for certain classifications of UCR employee, excluding those classes and/or employees designated as managerial, supervisory, and confidential.

UCR's local medical resident agreement (M5) supports residents enrolled in programs sponsored by UCR School of Medicine, excluding those classes and/or employees designated as managerial, supervisory, and confidential.