UCR Lactation Accommodation Program
Lactation Accommodation on Campus
In an effort to promote a family-friendly work environment for breastfeeding mothers, UC Riverside provides has multiple lactation rooms located across the UCR campus and alternate locations ensuring that nursing mothers within the campus community have access to a private space for lactation purposes. These lactations rooms are located within close proximity to work locations and are beautifully decorated, sanitary, are a private space and have locking doors. Each room is equipped with a table, electrical outlet, mini refrigerator, microwave, comfortable chair and a multi-user hospital grade breast pump.
Central Human Resources continues to collaborate with the campus community to monitor the additional need for program expansion. Please check back to find out when these conveniently located facilities will be ready.
Lactation Accommodation Program Resources
Campus Lactation Rooms
- Boyce Hall - Room 2410
- Pierce Hall - Room 2316
- Skye Hall (Surge) - Room 338
- Sproul Hall - Room 2113
- Student Success Center - Room 115
- UNEX at University Village - Suite 201
Additional Lactation Rooms
Five restricted-access locations are available to faculty, staff and students assigned to work in the following locations:
- Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) Winston Chung Hall - WCH 214
- Child Development Center (CDC-N)
- Center for Environmental Research & Technology (Ce-Cert)
- UCOP IntelliCenter
- Multidisciplinary Research Bldg. (MB1)
Program Logistics
Alternate Option - Create Your Own Lactation Space
While we are making efforts to offer additional locations, we have developed alternate options to help departments and nursing mothers create a temporary lactation space in their department or office.
If a lactation room is not easily accessible (more than a 5-7 minute walk), Human Resources will loan a breast pump and breast pump kit to nursing mothers. This option will allow departments to set up a temporary private lactation space and help ensure nursing mothers feel supported. A Lactation Accommodation Program Breast Pump Loan Agreement will be required to reserve a breast pump and breast pump kit.
For more information on this option, please contact lactationprogram@ucr.edu.
Reserve a Lactation Room
To reserve a room, review the UCR Lactation Accommodation Program Guidelines and complete the Lactation Room Usage and Participant Agreement. Once the Agreement has been completed, please contact lactationprogram@ucr.edu to obtain the room key.
Mother-Baby Friendly Workplace Award
The California Breastfeeding Coalition recognizes employers for their support of lactating employees.
The criteria ensures compliance with existing California and Federal laws and includes: creating breastfeeding policies, ensuring employees are aware of their policies, and talking with expectant mothers about accommodating their breastfeeding needs when they return to work. For more information about the award, please visit the California Breastfeeding Coalition website.
Breastfeeding Friendly Employer
The University of California, Riverside Work/Life Program has been awarded the designation of “Breastfeeding Friendly Employer”by the Riverside County Department of Public Health Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program Lactation Services Program. Through collaboration with the Lactation Services program, UCR has successfully completed the five required steps to achieve this designation. Our exemplary efforts have resulted in a lactation support program which provides breastfeeding support and education to employees and their families, flexible scheduling options for breastfeeding mothers, and a private, comfortable location for milk expression while employees are at work. This success demonstrates UCR’s commitment to providing an environment for its employees to achieve a balanced work and family life.