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Retirement Gift Program 

The University of California, Riverside wishes to extend their appreciation to retiring employees who have served the campus with pride and dedication. UCR celebrates their achievements and congratulates them in their new endeavors. In recognition of their valuable contributions to the University, retiring employees are offered the following retirement gift program.

Retirement Service Gift Cards have a maximum value limit of $400 and are not subject as taxable income. Examples of eligible gifts includes gift cards which can be ordered through the Corporate Traditions website or you may choose personalized gift items from the MTM Recognition website. Note: you may select a gift from only one program.

The Staff Retirement Gift Program is available to all staff employees who retire with 5 or more years of University Retirement Service Credit. 

This program is based on department's participation in the Retirement Gift Program.

Eligibility/Gift Selection for Retirement Gift Program

The Staff Retirement Gift Program is available to staff employees who retire with 5 or more years of University Retirement Service Credit

Program Procedures & Policy

Program Policy and Procedures

Policy & Contacts
Department Administrators
Central HR Benefits Office
  • For questions regarding the retirement gift program policy, please contact the Central HR Benefits Office at


Corporate Traditions

UCR employees are required to meet with the Central Human Resources (CHR) Benefits Office to obtain a Retirement Gift Program Eligibility Form before proceeding with the steps below.

  1. Employee will provide Department Administrator with their Retirement Gift Program Eligibility Form
  2. Department Administrator will complete the Central HR Benefits Office provided Retirement Gift Program Eligibility Template spreadsheet
  3. Department Administrator will submit the order by sending the spreadsheet to with the following information: Subject of Email: UC Riverside Gift Card+ Order Body of email:
    • Requestor Name
    • Requestor Email Address
    • Requestor Phone Number
    • Organization Name: UC Riverside
    • Payment Method
    • Credit Card Billing Contact Email 
  4. Order will be fulfilled within 24-48 hours and invoice will be sent to the billing contact email provided
  5. Employee will receive an email from Corporate Traditions with Gift Card+ Redemption Instructions. The total gift card amount may be split into multiple gift cards.
  6. The department must present the award as part of a meaningful ceremony.
MTM Recognition

UCR employees are required to meet with the Central Human Resources (CHR) Benefits Office to obtain a Retirement Gift Program Eligibility Form before proceeding with the steps below.

  1. Employee will provide Department Administrator with their Retirement Gift Program Eligibility Form
  2. Employee will log into the MTM Recognition guest portal to view and chose a gift under the corresponding award level (Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum) You may choose one gift from the eligible award level or any lower level. Any additional funds beyond the selected level will be forfeited.
  3. Employee will notify Department Administrator of their selection
  4. Department Administrator will place the retirement gift order on the MTM Recognition website. P-Card preferred for ease of ordering on all orders and an invoice will be sent to the billing email address provided during the ordering process

The estimated shipping time on orders placed is 4 weeks.

  • Customer Service Hours
    6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m (Central) | Monday - Thursday
    6:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Central) | Friday
  • Phone | (800) 898-5945
  • Mail
    MTM Recognition
    Att: Debbie Williams (phone  ext.: 2623)
    615 South Sixth Street
    Princeton, IL 61356
Category Levels and Corresponding Gift Amounts
Retiree Years
of Retirement
Service Credits
Gift Amount
5- 9 years
10 -14 years
15 - 19 years
20+ years