Helping employees maximize their potential


This communication is to inform you of proposed changes to the University of California’s (UC) PPSM 2.210 Absence from Work policy. This is an opportunity for you to review and provide comments on the proposed changes. 


Over the past few years, UC has made notable strides in supporting work-life balance, including the introduction of the Pay for Family Care and Bonding program in 2021 and Reproductive Loss Leave in 2024. Based on the updated California Paid Sick Leave law that went into effect January 1, 2024, UC’s goal is to expand paid sick leave for part-time and full-time staff employees effective January 1, 2025*. 

Proposed Revisions 

The proposed policy revisions to PPSM 2.210 regarding paid sick leave for policy-covered staff employees include the following key revisions:   

  • Expand eligibility for paid sick leave for part-time employees; 

  • Expand the reasons for which employees may use paid sick leave;  

  • Provide protected paid sick leave; and

  • Extend the period during which paid sick leave may be reinstated if an employee is reemployed after a separation from employment.  

Next Steps: 

  • The proposed draft of the PPSM 2.210 policy is posted on UCNet - review the policy to determine: 

    • what is new;

    • how it will impact your organizational unit; and  

    • where strategic change may need to occur within your organizational unit. 

  • Use this spreadsheet to provide comments. 

Return your comments to Central Human Resources at, no later than Friday, April 26, 2024, by 5:00 PM.  

*The Office of President’s Systemwide Labor relations office will be responsible for informing the bargaining units representing union