Helping employees maximize their potential

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Which Workshop are You Interested in Attending?
Please select which workshop you are interested in registering for.
Please let us know how you hear about the Career to College workshops (i.e., scotmail, web, social media, etc.)
Please enter your first name.
Please enter you last name.
Please enter the telephone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) that is best to reach you.
Please enter the URL of your LinkIn profile.
Are you a UCR Student or Alumni?
Please choose Student or Alumni
If You are a Student, What is Your Field of Study?
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Please enter your field of study.
If You are Alumni, What is Your Conferred Degree?
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Are You Currently Working
Please tell us if you are currently employed.
If You Are Currently Employed, Please Tell Us Your Employer and title.
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If you are currently employed, please list your employer and your job title.