7 Things New Employees Need to Know
Onboarding is a vital first step. It began before you arrived and will continue for months to come. Onboarding is designed to integrate you into the UCR community and to connect you with people, tools, and resources. These seven things will help guide you through the process by providing essential resources.
Please note that different units may require additional information, trainings, etc. Please visit your Shared Service Center or contact your supervisor.
7 Things New Employees Need to Know
Visit the Onboarding Roadmap Page
If you are a new hire of the University of California (UC), your first day of active employment typically marks the beginning of the 31-day Period of
Initial Eligibility (PIE). Your PIE often does not coincide with the Open Enrollment period for all employees (October through November of each year).
In the UCPath portal, navigate to > Health and Welfare > Enroll in Benefits. After clicking Submit from the online form, your enrollment is complete. Your benefit elections will appear in UCPath on the next business day.
For more information on the benefits offered by UC and UCR please visit: New Faculty and Staff Website
New Employee Benefits Orientation
UC Riverside’s New Employee Benefits Orientation (NEBO) is essential for employees to attend. If you are a faculty or staff member eligible for full benefits and non-postdoc, please join us to learn about UC’s Health & Welfare Benefits. We will provide detailed information and highlight the UC comprehensive benefits package. You may attend in-person or via Zoom.
For questions, please email newhirebenefits@ucr.edu
- In-Person Registration: You must register for the in-person class via the UC Learning Center
- Zoom: You may simply click on the Zoom link: https://ucr.zoom.us/j/9252533750
- When: Fourth Thursday of the month, except November and December which will be the third Thursday of the month due to the holiday schedule conflict.
Where: Hinderaker Basement Room 0154
- Here are some of the perks of being a UCR employee:
- Access to training and development programs.
- Reduced-fee enrollment or discounts on courses.
- Access to UCR's academic curriculum for employees meeting academic eligibility criteria.
- In some cases, employees may also be able to arrange time or an alternative work schedule to attend classes.
For more information visit: https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-resources/ucr-discounts
*Your department may require additional mandatory training courses. Those trainings will be listed in the university's UCLC (also known as LMS).
UC Cybersecurity Awareness Fundamentals
Cybercrime happens far more often than you realize, and you are a target! This interactive Cyber Security Awareness training course provides information on some of the most common threats facing the University and facing us as individuals. The course is led by a social engineer who uses real life examples to highlight how we can minimize the risks to ourselves and the University from these cyber threats.
Estimated duration: 35 Minute(s)
UC Abusive Conduct Training
This training provides an overview of the University of California's Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Policy. Topics include:
- An overview of what is and isn't abusive conduct
- Guidance on how to prevent abusive conduct
- Guidance on how to respond to and report abusive conduct, if it occurs
- Resources and reporting options available to UC community members who have experienced or witnessed abusive conduct
Estimated duration: 20 Minute(s)
Safety Orientation
Overview of safety fundamentals, injury & illness prevention, and emergencies for all faculty, staff, and students.
Estimated duration: 35 Minute(s)
UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination
UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors, Faculty and MSP
This training is for supervisory, MSP employees, and faculty at all UC locations, and provides an overview of how to prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment in the University of California. Topics include: Recognize sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other prohibited behavior Prevent harm before, during and after incidents Respond: identify roles and processes for reports Resources: seek services, confidential resources, and assistance to help you navigate Supervisor: roles and responsibilities This course meets requirements of 2 CCR 11024, California Government Code 12950.1, AB 1825/2053, 34 CFR 668.46 Violence Against Women Act, and UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct, and Anti-Discrimination.
General Compliance Briefing: University of California Ethical Values & Conduct
This briefing is designed to raise continued awareness of the University of California Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct, and to convey University employment obligations with respect to ethical and compliant behavior. The purpose is not to teach University policy or ethics but to familiarize UC employees with important ethics and compliance information, issues and resources.
Estimated duration: 30 Minute(s)
Workplace Violence Prevention
This training was developed in accordance with the training requirements established by California Senate Bill 553. Its goal is to help members of the UC community understand and report workplace violence, and to be able to recognize and respond to escalating behavior.
By the end of this training, you should be able to: Define workplace violence under California state law Be familiar with the elements of the Workplace Violence Prevention program at your location Report incidents of workplace violence through appropriate channels Access resources and services at your location for additional assistance and training.
Estimated duration: 20 Minutes
UC exempt employees receive monthly pay checks and non-exempt employees receive bi-weekly pay checks. For information on regular pay day schedules, please follow this link
Time & Attendance Reporting System (TARS)
At UCR, employees use the Time & Attendance Reporting System (TARS) to track and report their hours worked, vacation time, sick leave, and overall attendance.
Monthly Employees Monthly employees report their vacation and sick leave usage rather than hours worked. Each month, these employees submit one timesheet per pay period, regardless of how many jobs they have at UCR. If a monthly employee holds multiple positions, the supervisor for their primary job is responsible for approving the timesheet. | Bi-Weekly Employees Bi-weekly employees report hours worked and leave taken for each day and each job. These employees also submit one timesheet per pay period, but if they have multiple positions, the system will display each job separately on the same timesheet. |
Supervisor Responsibilities
Supervisors are responsible for reviewing and approving employee timesheets once submitted, including any adjustments made during the pay period.
Submission to UCPath
Once completed and approved, all timesheets are submitted directly to UCPath for payroll processing.
Need Help with TARS?
For assistance with using the TARS system and submitting your timesheet, be sure to check out our helpful tutorial videos:
How to Complete Your Monthly Timesheet in TARS Video
How to Complete Your Bi-Weekly Timesheet in TARS Video
Accessing TARS
Employees can access TARS through the R’Space or visit http://timesheet.ucr.edu.
Follow the steps below to sign up or making changes to your direct deposit or federal witholdings.
Be aware of the following factors when making or revising the direct deposit request:
You will need to contact the UCPath Center if you enter incorrect information and request to update the account on the same day.
You can only edit your Direct Deposit account information once per day.
You will receive a confirmation notification once you have added or changed your direct deposit settings.
Please note that even after signing up for direct deposit you may receive one additional paper paycheck.
1.Navigate to rspace.ucr.edu | 2. Go to tab that reads Authorized Apps | 3. Click the UCPath Portal | 4. Click on Ask UCPath Center on the right-hand corner of your dashboard | 5. The following screen will read: How can we help you today? | 6. Proceed by clicking on “For Me” |
Shared Service Center Resources
Certain units have further instructions and information. For more resources please visit your Shared Service Center Website below.