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  2022 UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative

The University of California has partnered with Coro Northern California since 2006 to develop current and future administrative and faculty leaders. The UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative program focuses on enhancing leadership skills and developing intercampus and cross-functional collaboration.

The purpose of this leadership program is to enhance leadership skills and foster relationships, networking and collaboration across UC while building a pipeline for executive leadership positions.

What's New This Year

  • The program duration has been reduced from 12 months to 9 months and will run on a fiscal year budget cycle. The 2022 program begins in August 2022 and continues through April 2023.
  • The program will be delivered in a hybrid format, incorporating the best of both in-person and virtual learning and networking.
  • The program has added individual executive coaching at no additional cost to participants to enhance their personal and professional learning and growth during the program.
  • In response to participant requests for an increased ability to network, we are launching UC Systemwide Leadership Connect at no additional cost to participants. UC Systemwide Leadership Connect is an online networking platform for UC-Coro SLC alumni to connect and support one another across all cohorts
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Program Benefits

  • The opportunity to build a network of UC leaders and a potential pipeline for executive leadership positions at UC
  • The ability to collaborate across organizational boundaries to solve problems and contribute to the betterment of UC
  • Access to a diverse slate of executive leadership from across UC. Enhanced learning about UC’s multiple locations, their strengths and impact
  • Increased self and other awareness with a focus on inclusive leadership skills
  • Improved leadership skills through personalized individual and group coaching

Participant Nomination Eligibility

This leadership program focuses on emergent leadership frameworks and the benefits of inter-campus and cross-functional collaboration. The program is tailored for a diverse group of individuals at the Director level and above who report to one of the following leadership positions:

  • Chancellor or Provost
  • President’s Executive Officer (COO, CFO, Systemwide Provost, etc.)
  • Medical Center Chief Officer (CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, etc.)
  • Vice President, Vice Chancellor or Vice Provost
  • Academic Dean
  • Associate/Assistant Vice Chancellor
  • Vice Provost or Vice President

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Each year, we hope to attract a diverse group of nominees who represent both the academic and administrative functions of the University. The 2022 UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative will engage up to 60 high performing senior leaders from across the UC system.

This is a substantial commitment and by nominating an individual you are agreeing to the time commitment and support of their attendance.

Program Components

  • Eleven sessions, consisting of three, two-day intensive class sessions held at various UC locations (dependent on state, county, local, and UC health guidelines), plus five, interactive virtual sessions
  • Executive coaching (individual and group)
  • Executive leadership interaction and interviews
  • Opportunities to learn about UC’s unique educational opportunities, research, and public service
  • Peer consultancy opportunities throughout the program
  • A group project through which cohorts develop recommendations for a UC leader-sponsored initiative of systemwide import. A final group presentation for UC senior leaders focusing on recommendations.

Participant Expectation

  • The program is rigorous and requires a firm commitment of approximately 80 hours of in-session time and intersession assignments
  • The group project requires an additional time commitment of at least 40 hours
  • Active participation is integral to the learning process and experience - program participants must attend all sessions

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For more information regarding the 2022 UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative, please visit the UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative website

If you have questions, please contact Lisa Terry, Program Director at

Program Logistics

Nomination and Program Timeline
Program /Travel Costs
  • UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative Program cost remains $5,000 per participant. This fee covers all program materials, assessments, facilitation partner fees, and executive coaching (both individual and group).
  • The participant's UC location is responsible for covering all travel-related costs, including lodging, parking, and any meals not included in the program.
  • Participants manage their own travel arrangements and submit travel reimbursements to their location/department using the established location Travel & Entertainment procedures.